November 20-22, 2025 PWTC Expo, Guangzhou

Language: CN EN JP

Enter CR Expo

电话: +86 (0)20 8989 9605/8989 9600,


Hunan Zennze Technology Co.LTD

Category of Exhibits
  • Assistive Aids

Product Profiles

FD100-M-WIFl fall alarm is a fall detection sensor based on the ultra-wideband (UWB) radar technology and the wireless communication technologyt can scan the detection area by transmitting, receiving and processing electromagnetic waves to monitor the movement characteristics of thepeople in the detection area in real time. Then using big data analtics, the product can construct feature parameter sets, so as to realize the funcfions of fal detection and alarm.Aiming at the areas with high incidence of falls, the alarm can detect the activities of the people in designated areain real time. including human presence. State(static/motion), entering or leaving, longtime staving,fall, and so on. Through the internet of Thingtransmission method, the product, combined with the lnternet of Things support plattorm, can achieve eftective applications in relevant places.